United States/Roof Curbs/RoofCurbCaps Spec Sheet (.pdf) General Characteristics of the RoofCurbsCaps. Roof Curb Caps cover the top of the roof curb when there is no vent or fan in place....
United States/Roof Curbs/RoofCurb8 Spec Sheet (.pdf) General Characteristics of the RoofCurbs8. A roof curb is a box that acts as an extension from the roof deck. This extension provides a...
United States/Roof Curbs/RoofCurbs6 Spec Sheet (.pdf) General Characteristics of the RoofCurbs6. A roof curb is a box that acts as an extension from the roof deck. This extension provides a...
United States/Roof Curbs/RoofCurbs18 Spec Sheet (.pdf) General Characteristics of the RoofCurbs18. A roof curb is a box that acts as an extension from the roof deck. This extension provides a...
United States/Roof Curbs/RoofCurb12 Spec Sheet (.pdf) General Characteristics of the RoofCurbs12. A roof curb is a box that acts as an extension from the roof deck. This extension provides a...